Tuesday’s Tip: Think Before You Click {Indianapolis Portrait Photographer & Instructor}

Do you feel a little hesitant to shoot in manual mode?  Forget all the numbers and what they do?  Here’s a little cheat sheet for you!  I kinda sorta LOVE that it has a little girl with an umbrella in the corner. 🙂

If you are interested in taking a DSLR class (A.K.A. Say NO to Auto!!), please contact me (Jill) at raindancerstudios@gmail.com.  I may offer another one in July if I have a few more people who are interested!  Blessings to you and yours!


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Photography is a Window Into the Soul {Indianapolis Portrait Photographer}

Photo taken by Rachel Richard Photography 🙂

I found myself responding to someone online this morning about my passion for photography, and as I wrote the words, it was like a candle burning brighter in my soul.  Here’s what I began to write…

I continue to grow deeper in my love for photography.  I love to teach others to dance in the rain…to breathe deeply and take in the presence of God by experiencing moments of joy with other loved ones.  I want my photography to have a mission and purpose beyond a smile.  It is a window into the soul.  I want others to see the sunshine is always there; sometimes it is simply hiding behind the clouds waiting to be seen.  (Photography reminds me of this truth in my own life.)  I want my photos to help others dance in the rain that life may bring.  I want to help others see the beauty around them, within their family, and within themselves…to give them something good to hold onto in the days to come.

I’ve been thinking about doing a blogging series about myself over the next several weeks…to give you a little piece of my heart and soul.  Here’s the first entry! 🙂

Tuesday’s Tip: Photographing Kiddos {Indianapolis Children Portrait Photographer}

Happy Tuesday!  For those of you new to photography & for those of you who want to simply take better pictures of your kiddos, you might really enjoy this post on posing kiddos- http://digital-photography-school.com/posing-guide-21-sample-poses-to-get-you-started-with-photographing-children

Also, I encourage you to stop saying “say cheese” to your kiddos, too!  Instead, do something funny, ask them questions, and make the experience interactive.  You’ll get more natural expressions that way!!   🙂

PS. There’s also posing guides listed at the bottom for couples, men, and women, too!  This is a great asset to help you get thinking about photographing your own kids or if you’re new to photography, it might help give you a few ideas for your sessions.


Tuesday’s Tip: Get Skilled! {Indianapolis Portrait Photographer}

Good morning, friends!  Here’s a few opportunities for those of you who want to learn more about photography!

1.  Check out Creative Live!  They have a speed lighting workshop coming up online this Friday and Saturday.  Click here for more details!  I love the Creative Live stuff.  If you watch it live, it’s free.  There are rewatch opportunities at 8pm, but if you can’t watch either, you can buy it cheap!  Check the course calendar for other opportunities!

2.  Groupon has a deal going on for a 4 week online photography class.  Not sure how good the class is (I know nothing about it!), but feel free to check it out.  For $29, it’s not a bad deal.  Click here for more details!

3.  Contact me if you’re interested in learning to use your DSLR camera or learning how to use Lightroom!  I don’t have another class date set since I just held one this past weekend, yet, but I will once I have enough interest from others!

4.  Check out Indy Photo Coach for other classes.

Happy Tuesday!!


Mommy & Me or Daddy & Me Mini-Sessions- June 2nd

Why am I offering these special mini sessions?  Because they would make an awesome Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift!!!  Women dig that sort of thing! (Hint hint guys!!)  This is exactly what I asked for a couple years ago for Mother’s Day.  All I wanted was a Mommy & Me photo session because I’m always the one taking photos (aren’t most of us moms??) and I REALLY wanted photos of just Kylie and I playing and enjoying each other.  So, a couple years ago I asked RD for a photo shoot of just Kylie and I for Mother’s Day.  It’s all I wanted.

This year I decided to offer a less expensive smaller session option (hence the mini-sessions) around Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.  Last year I had a client do a photo session of herself with her 3 girls and she used the photos for her husband’s Father’s Day gift.  It’s a great gift idea for husbands to give their wife for Mother’s Day OR for wives to give as a gift to Dad for Father’s Day!

Here’s a few of my favorite photos from my own Mommy & Me session with my little girl!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the simple and sweet things near to my heart were captured- playing, singing, dancing, jumping, splashing, blowing bubbles, and enjoying the moment.  Kylie got so excited because she loves when we do anything the same.  So, we coordinated colors, wore capris, did our hair the same, and painted our toe nails. 🙂  It is definitely one of my most memorable sessions and probably my most favorite present so far!  I love how much can be captured in the candid moments!!

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If you are interested in a Mommy & Me or Daddy & Me Mini-Session, here are the details: