Tuesday’s Tip: Think Before You Click {Indianapolis Portrait Photographer & Instructor}

Do you feel a little hesitant to shoot in manual mode?  Forget all the numbers and what they do?  Here’s a little cheat sheet for you!  I kinda sorta LOVE that it has a little girl with an umbrella in the corner. 🙂

If you are interested in taking a DSLR class (A.K.A. Say NO to Auto!!), please contact me (Jill) at raindancerstudios@gmail.com.  I may offer another one in July if I have a few more people who are interested!  Blessings to you and yours!


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The Art of Photography- Photo Composition Class on March 3rd

Want to know what makes a photo visually pleasing to the eye?  Sign up for my upcoming The Art of Photography- Photo Composition Class on March 3rd!  You will learn the official photography elements and rules that work together to make photos better than others.  Here’s your opportunity to study and critique photographs, practice using the elements of composition, and transform your photos by incorporating the theory of lifestyle photography.  These things are not beneficial for just pro photographers but all people who like to take pictures because it will enhance your own personal family photos as well.  This class is not about camera settings (those things can be learned in my DSLR Class!)  It is about photo composition and the secret rules of making photographs that stand out.

In this class you will also learn tips on how to take better photos of kids and how to capture authentic emotion. This 4 hour class will include guided hands-on practice incorporating photography elements in photos and a closer look into capturing sweet family moments that are more expressive (and authentic) of daily life.  A class handbook is provided for use during the class and at home.  To register for this fun hands-on class, contact Jill Reid at raindancerstudios@gmail.com or call 317.374.8713.

Class details: Saturday, March 3rd from 9am-1pm…$110

Adobe Lightroom 3 Editing Class This Saturday!!

I am teaching a 4 hour Lightroom 3 Editing Class this Saturday, February 11th, from 9am-1pm.  The cost is $110.  Adobe Lightroom 3 is my preferred software for editing…and truth be told, I LOVE IT!!!!!!

WHY????  Because…

  1. It’s easy to learn!  I know how to do a few things in Photoshop, but because I’m not engineer minded, I still find that program really complex.
  2. It’s MUCH cheaper than Photoshop!  (And there’s free monthly trials you can get before you purchase it!)
  3. It has sliders that are very user friendly and easy to understand.
  4. I can use presets and make my own so it makes editing faster.
  5. I can batch edit multiple photos at once.  LOVE this feature!!!  Bottom line, editing is fast with LR.
  6. Photographers who do weddings and edit in LR can edit a whole wedding in only a few hours.
  7. It offers a lot.  Even though it’s easy to learn, it’s still is extensive and has a lot of features.  The only time I go into Photoshop is to remove something large from a photo, add a texture, or to make collages and card templates.
  8. It makes my editing workflow much simpler!
  9. Because it saves time, I have more time to spend with my family and friends and do other things I love!

Here’s the class description if you’re interested:

Want to take your photos to the next level?  Learn how to use the Adobe Lightroom 3 Editing Software.  You will learn a simple workflow that will decrease your editing time guaranteed.  You will learn what each thing does, some of my favorite things to do with editing, and several helpful tricks that will make Lightroom easier to navigate.  Please bring your laptop, if you have one, for hands-on learning.  Free monthly trials of Lightroom 3 can be downloaded online.

To register or ask questions, please email Jill Reid at raindancerstudios@gmail.com or call 317.374.8713!  Information for other classes can be found at www.raindancerstudios.com.